Altai is a wonderland. Horse riding

You will be able to see both the distant lake Uimen with its surrounding waterfalls and the legendary Karakol Lakes – the national treasure of the Altai Republic, and the mysterious Lake Veronika, explore in detail the upper reaches of the Lozh River, the Balyktus tracts with their waterfalls, geysers, lakes and magnificent high-altitude fauna, crossing the legendary Tripod pass to the trout lakes Uy-Karatash. This is the best option for those who want to see everything at once!


S. Elekmonar
+ tickets to the starting point of the tour
No need to pay now
18 Days
17 Nights
  • Group departures
    • Dates for next season
    • 21 June – 8 July, 2025
  • Tent
    17 nights
  • Basic
Only for experienced and physically fit hikers. Requires specific skills and equipment
Up to 15 people
Minimum age
12 years old
Maximum weight of the tourist
100 kg
Group meet at
S. Elekmonar
Contact the tour coordinator
Weekdays: 8am - 8pm
Weekends: 8am - 7pm (GMT +3)
Or text us in messengers

Tour highlights

Horseback riding
Let's get acquainted with the Altai horses, which will guide us along the trails of the mountainous region
Karakol Lakes
We will visit a cascade of seven lakes located at the foot of the snow-capped Altai mountains
Unity with nature
We will cook over a campfire and rest in tents in the most picturesque places
Fishing in Altai
Fishing enthusiasts will have the opportunity to catch rainbow trout and grayling
An exciting journey
We will enjoy the pristine nature of the Altai Mountains, views of numerous lakes and mountains


  • Day 1 - Check-in

    Gathering of the whole group in the village of Elekmonar.

    Transfer to the base camp in the Sortes tract by SUV.

    Accommodation in tents.


    Instruction, horse riding lessons.

    Getting equipment, a set of products.

    In the evening, you can admire the sunset from the top of Mount Sortesh, and get acquainted with the national Altai custom "Chey-Chey".

  • Day 2 - Sortesh tract – Kylai (~12 km / 2-3 hours)
  • Day 3 - Kylai Lake, Victoria Falls – Ayryk tract (~30 km / 4-5 hours)
  • Day 4 - Moon Valley – a "living" swamp – the upper reaches of the Loja River (~20 km / 3-4 hours)
  • Day 5 - The Upper Box. A day trip, a radial walk. (2 – 3 hours on foot)
  • Day 6 - Loja River – Balyktus Gorge – Chevosh log (~35 km – 5 hours)
  • Day 7 - Chevosh Log – Lake Uimen (~20 km – 3-4 hours)
  • Day 8 - The day
  • Day 9 - Lake Uimen – trout lakes Uy-Karatash (30 km, 5-6 hours)
  • Day 10 - Day trip – trout lakes of Uy-Karatash.
  • Day 11 - Uy-Karatash – oz.Uimen (30 km, 5-6 hours)
  • Day 12 - Lake Uimen – Chevosh log (~20 km – 3-4 hours)
  • Day 13 - Chevosh Log – Balyktus Gorge (~30 km – 5-6 hours)
  • Day 14 - Balyktusa – Ashpagach Lake – Surdin Lakes – Moon Valley (~25 km – 4-5 hours)
  • Day 15 - Airyk – log Muikhta district (~25 km – 4-5 hours)
  • Day 16 - log Muikhta – castles of Mountain spirits – Karakol Lakes (~25 km – 4-5 hours)
  • Day 17 - Karakol Lakes – Sortesh tract (25 km – 4-6 hours)
  • Day 18 - ur. Sortes – S. Elekmonar
Only for experienced and physically fit hikers. Requires specific skills and equipment
Tour organizer's comments

To participate in the expedition tour, you must:

  • confident control of the horse "in the field", including independent mounting /dismounting on a loaded horse;
  • excellent physical shape;
  • readiness for hiking ascents and descents;
  • understanding all the features of the route - the complexity and dangerous sections of the route;
  • understanding the full responsibility of the instructor's work and the impeccable implementation of his recommendations;
  • skills of cooking food on a campfire, setting up and providing a camp;
  • moral and physical readiness for changes in weather conditions.


  • Tent
    17 nights
  • Basic

The tour includes accommodation in tents.

Tent camp 17 nights

Overnight stays in tents.

Tour conditions

up to 15 tourists
Minimum age
12 years old
Maximum weight of the tourist
100 kg
18 days 17 nights
Group meets at
S. Elekmonar

Included in price

  • Round-trip transfer from Gorno-Altaysk (only on the day of arrival and departure);
  • Transportation service in accordance with the tour program;
  • Sauna according to the tour program;
  • Food;
  • Horse rental;
  • The work of an instructor-guide (1-3 depending on the number of participants in the group);
  • Recreational fees;
  • Accident insurance / medical insurance;
  • Equipment rental.

Paid extra

  • Air and railway tickets to Novosibirsk/Barnaul/Gorno-Altaisk;
  • Transfer to Elekmonar village from other cities except Gorno-Altaisk;
  • Purchase of souvenirs.

It's important to know

Personal equipment you need for the tour


  • Sleeping bag (comfort temperature 0 - +5) 


  • underwear;  
  • The sweater is warm;
  • The sweater is lighter;
  • warm pants for cold weather; 
  • trousers made of thick fabric (camouflage is possible); 
  • shorts or light trousers;
  • T-shirt / T-shirt (2-3 depending on the length of the route);
  • wool socks (more than one pair); 
  • cotton socks (several pairs);
  • insulated, spacious jacket;
  • windbreaker (windbreaker);
  • gloves;
  • headdress;
  • swimsuit.


  • RUBBER BOOTS (preferably on a smooth sole with a heel);  
  • sneakers or sneakers

It will be useful to:

  • a pocket or headlamp flashlight;
  • a set of threads with needles;
  • spare batteries for cameras, flashlights and other equipment;
  • thick plastic bags for packing things during a hike;
  • a camping knife;
  • wet sanitary napkins for camping;
  • toilet paper;
  • sunburn cream;
  • medicines that you personally need; 
  • personal hygiene products (wet wipes are required); 
  • specific medicines that may be useful for you;
  • try not to take unnecessary things. 
Adjustments to the tour program
What kind of equipment is issued?
What is the weather like in the mountains?
Mobile communication
How to get there?
How to get there step by step
Are there ticks in Altai?
What is the safety technique?
Are there any restrictions on the participant's weight?
Where can I leave my suitcases and backpacks during the tour?

Dates and Prices

The tour dates are not confirmed yet. Please, for clarification
  • $955
    21 Jun – 8 Jul, 2025 18 days 17 nights
    Submit request
    No need to pay now