Via Gorno-Altaysk (the main and most convenient option):
Step 1. Visit the website and buy tickets in the direction of Gorno-Altaysk (we will help you choose tickets in advance)
Step 2. When you arrive in Gorno Altaysk, call the organizer and within 5 minutes you will be met at the entrance to the airport.
Step 3. We arrive at the guest house in an hour. Elekmonar, from where our journey will begin.
Through Barnaul (option 1) - description of the non-stop route.
Step 1. By air or railway transport to the city. Barnaul.
Step 2. From the airport – by minibus to the bus station (railway station on the same square with the bus station)
Step 3. Purchase a ticket for the Barnaul – Chemal bus/ minibus (~ 650 rubles.)
Step 4. Drive ~ 4.5 hours and find yourself in the village of Maima, which borders the city of Gorno-Altaisk (where the mountainous area begins)
Step 5. Call the organizer and tell them the name of the locality you are passing through.
Step 6. After driving for another hour and a half, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar
Step 7. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 8. You will be met within 5 minutes.
Through Barnaul (option 2) there is a road with transfers, but buses run more often.
Step 1. By air or railway transport to the city. Barnaul.
Step 2. From the airport - by minibus to the bus station (railway station on the same square with the bus station).
Step 3. Purchase a ticket for the Barnaul – Gorno-Altaysk bus (~ 450 rubles.)
Step 4. At the Gorno-Altaysk train station, purchase a ticket for a regular bus / take a taxi / take a minibus to the village of Chemal (~ 150 rubles. - all three options in one price)
Step 5. As soon as you leave the bus station, call the organizer.
Step 6. After an hour, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar.
Step 7. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 8. You will be met within 5 minutes.
Through Novosibirsk (option 1) – description of the non-stop route.
Step 1. By air or railway transport to the city. Novosibirsk.
Step 2. From the airport/ railway station - by minibus to the bus station
Step 3. Purchase a ticket for the Novosibirsk – Chemal bus (~ 800 rubles.)
Step 4. Drive ~ 6 hours and find yourself in the village of Maima, which borders the city of Gorno-Altaisky (where the mountainous area begins)
Step 5. Call the organizer and tell them the name of the locality you are passing through.
Step 6. After driving for another hour and a half, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar.
Step 7. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 8. You will be met within 5 minutes
Through Novosibirsk (option 2) there is a road with transfers, but buses run more often.
Step 1. By air or railway transport to Novosibirsk.
Step 2. From the airport/ railway station – by minibus to the bus station
Step 3. Purchase a bus ticket Novosibirsk– Gorno-Altaysk (~ 600 rubles.)
Step 4. At the Gorno-Altaysk train station, purchase a ticket for a regular bus / take a taxi / take a minibus to the village of Chemal (~ 150 rubles. - all three options in one price)
Step 5. As soon as you leave the bus station, call the organizer.
Step 6. After an hour, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar.
Step 7. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 8. You will be met within 5 minutes
Step 3. Purchase a bus ticket Novosibirsk - Biysk (~ 350 rubles.)
Step 4. At the railway station Biysk buy a ticket for a regular bus / take a taxi / take a minibus to the village of Chemal (~ 400 rubles. - all three options in one price)
Step 4. Drive ~ 3 hours and find yourself in the village of Maima, which borders the city of Gorno-Altaisk (where the mountainous area begins)
Step 5. Call the organizer and tell them the name of the locality you are passing through.
Step 6. After driving for another hour and a half, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar.
Step 7. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 8. You will be met within 5 minutes
Step 3. Purchase a bus ticket Novosibirsk – Biysk (~ 350 rubles.), travel ~ 5 hours
Step 4. At the railway station Buy a bus ticket / take a taxi / take a minibus to Gorno-Altaysk (~ 300 rubles. - all three options in one price)
Step 5. At the Gorno-Altaysk train station, purchase a ticket for a regular bus / take a taxi / take a minibus to the village of Chemal (~ 150 rubles. - all three options in one price)
Step 6. As soon as you leave the bus station, call the organizer.
Step 7. After an hour, inform the driver that you need to get off at the first stop of the village of Elekmonar.
Step 8. Get off the bus and call the organizer.
Step 9. You will be met within 5 minutes.
If unforeseen circumstances occur (flight delay, bus breakdown on the road, late arrival for a scheduled flight) – call the organizer.