A group transfer from Ufa or Beloretsk to Kaga village is charged separately.
Group meeting in Ufa:
At 10:00 local time (difference from Moscow time + 2 hours) in Ufa, at the central entrance of the UFA department store (31 Oktyabrya Avenue). Group transfer to Kaga village – 300 km.
Meeting of tourists in Beloretsk (car and railway station):
On the day of arrival, from 04:00 to 06:00, group transfer to Kaga village (80 km). Breakfast. Early check-in is possible subject to availability.
It is also possible to check in on the eve of the arrival day from 20:00 to 22:00 (subject to payment for a group transfer and an additional fee). nights at the campsite).
Independent check-in at the campsite (Beloretsky district, village of Kaga):
from 12:00 to 14:00 local time (the difference from Moscow time is +2 hours) on the day of arrival.
If parking for private cars is required for the duration of the tour, it is paid additionally, according to the price list.
14:00 Arrival at the campsite.
Lunch in the dining room with a panoramic view of the Ural Mountains and the village of Kaga.
Introductory horse-riding trip in the vicinity of the village (~ 2 hours, ~ 8 km).
Get to know the horse that will be your best friend for the next three days, listen to a safety briefing and rules for working with horses, learn how to properly saddle horses and consolidate riding skills on the first radial walk.