Arrival in St. Petersburg.
Check-in at the hotel on your own (you can leave your belongings in the luggage room of the hotel, check-in in the afternoon after check-out time).
11:00 Meeting at the monument to M.I. Kutuzov at the Kazan Cathedral. The sign "In the heart of St. Petersburg".
Walking tour "Suppliers of His Imperial Majesty's Court" in a comfort group.
To receive a badge of distinction and become a Supplier to the Court of his Imperial Majesty was the dream of any conscientious manufacturer of the late XIX – early XX century. It was not so easy, and many people have been striving for this title for years.
You will find a fascinating history of the formation of the most famous trade and industrial names and the history of their enterprises in Russia: Eliseevs, Abrikosovs, Kuznetsovs, Faberge, Singer, Smirnov, etc.
And each of them not only maintained the quality of goods at a high level, but also applied new technologies for the production and marketing of goods.
We will visit the famous Yeliseyev merchants store, which to this day combines a multifaceted concept — it is not only a deli, but also restaurants, a theater and a formal living room for formal receptions.
13:00 Excursion to the magnificent Faberge Jewelry Museum, located in the Shuvalov Palace. Following the principle of the great master, the real wonders of jewelry art are hidden behind the modest facades of the Shuvalov Palace.
The museum has an unparalleled collection of Russian jewelry and decorative and applied arts of the XIX-XX centuries. The most valuable and famous items in the museum's collection are 9 imperial Easter eggs created by Carl Gustav Faberge.
14:30 At the end of the tour, you will find a small gastronomic surprise – the signature dessert "Faberge Egg", which is prepared only here.
15:30 Free time in the city center or at the museum (Faberge Museum is open until 20:45).