Recommended trains departing from Moscow:
- Train No. 096 departs at 19:08 from Kazan Railway Station, arriving in Kazan-2 (Vosstaniya) at 07:48.
- Train No.148 departs at 19:16 from Kazan Railway Station, arriving in Kazan-1 (Pass.) at 07:50.
- Train No. 002 "Premium" departs on Friday at 20:40 from Kazan railway Station, arriving in Kazan-1 (Pass.) at 08:00.
- Train No. 024 departs at 23:12 from Kazansky Railway Station, arriving in Kazan-1 (Pass) at 11:01
Arrival in Kazan.
Meeting at the railway station with a guide:
- 08:00/09:25/11:18 — Kazan-1 (Central) at the sculpture "White Leopards";
- 08:00 — Kazan-2 (Vosstaniya station) in the central hall.
Transfer to the hotel.
Check-in at the hotel's luggage room or early check-in for an additional fee.
Upon early arrival, a walking tour of "Old Tatar Kazan" (for an additional fee).
12:00 Meeting with the guide.
Excursion to one of the museums of Kazan.
Lunch in cafes/restaurants of the city (with elements of national cuisine).
Excursion to the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve, the living heart of the ancient city, which has experienced more than one exciting event in its centuries–old history!
Founded as a Bulgarian fortress in the 12th century, along with its mighty lords, it has changed its appearance more than once and today it is a unique complex of architectural, archaeological and historical monuments that reveal the centuries-old history of the city.
On the territory of the museum-reserve, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, you will see:
- Kul Sharif Mosque and Annunciation Cathedral;
- The Spasskaya Tower, erected by Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Shiryai, builders of St. Basil's Cathedral;
- The ceremonial Residence of the President and the leaning Tower of Suyumbike.
Interactive program "Tea party in Tatar".
One of the small museums of the city will reveal the secrets of the tea ceremony, which the Tatar people are famous for!
When recruiting a group of 9 people or more, an interactive program "Dimle – matchmaking in Tatar" is additionally held, in which tourists will see with their own eyes an ancient folk ritual.
Free time for independent walks and souvenir shopping.
Independent return to the hotel.