Thermal water, which is extracted from well No. 12 - T, has a constant chemical composition, it can be used for medicinal and drinking purposes. Water is classified as mineral waters that have a low-mineralized bicarbonate-chloride sodium composition, with an increased content of silicic acid. Silicon water combines the taste and freshness of spring water, the purity and structure of melt water and the bactericidal properties of silver water. Active precipitation of heavy metals occurs in activated silicon water, the water becomes clean in appearance and pleasant to the taste, it does not deteriorate for a long time and acquires many other medicinal qualities. Silicon water has practically no contraindications for use. According to scientists, silicon is a powerful water activator and has significant bactericidal properties. The water does not spoil, it lasts a long time, it is purified.
The therapeutic and health-improving properties of water are confirmed by balneological and medical conclusions of the Federal State University "Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development". Well No. 12-t. The depth of the well is 1595 m, the water temperature is 86 C. Dissolved gases: CO2,CH4,N2. It belongs to low-mineral waters of bicarbonate-chloride sodium composition with a high content of silicic acid (the basic analogue of water of groups 23 and 22, types "Aivazovsky" and "Crimean" GOST 13273-88).
The water temperature in the pools is 37-39 degrees.
There are no restrictions on external use.
Medical services are not provided.
In order to use the water for medicinal purposes, consult a specialist.