Independent check-in at the campsite (Beloretsky district, village of Kaga): from 12:00 to 14:00 local time (difference from Moscow time +2 hours) on the day of arrival.
If parking for private cars is required during the tour, then it is paid additionally, according to the price list.
Meeting of tourists in Ufa: at 10:00 local time (difference from Moscow time + 2 hours) in Ufa, the central entrance of the Ufa Department Store (31 Oktyabrya Avenue). Group transfer to Kaga village for an additional fee (300 km).
Meeting of tourists in Beloretsk (car and railway station): on the day of arrival from 04:00 to 06:00. Group transfer to Kaga village for an additional fee (80 km). Breakfast.
Check-in to the room before check-out time is possible subject to availability.
It is also possible to check in on the eve of the arrival day from 20:00 to 22:00 (subject to payment for a group transfer and an additional fee). nights at the campsite).
14:00 Arrival at the campsite.
Accommodation in a 2-bed room in a domed house built of energy-saving material.
Lunch in the dining room with a panoramic view of the Ural Mountains and the village of Kaga.
Safety briefing on the route.
Introductory horse-riding trip in the vicinity of the village (~ 2 hours, ~ 8 km).
Get to know the horse that will be your best friend for the next five days; practice how to properly saddle horses and consolidate riding skills on your first radial walk.
Guided tour "History of Kaga village and Ural ironworks" (~ 40- 60 min.).
Kaga is one of the most distinctive villages in Bashkiria, located between two rivers — the wise White and playful Kaga.
The village was founded in the first half of the 18th century, in the southern part of the Ural Mountains, and over several centuries it has experienced a rich and interesting history: the construction of an ironworks of the Demidov dynasty and at the same time the rapid development of the village, the ordeal of fire and hunger after a fire, miraculous healing from typhus, etc.
We will tell you how the villagers managed to preserve their flavor, hear their dialect, learn about holidays and customs that are celebrated only here.