We meet at the railway station of Louhi village (we recommend train No. 16A), get acquainted with the instructors.
After a brief acquaintance, we get on the buses and go to the starting point of our adventures — the village of Pyaozersky (109 km). The journey will take two to two and a half hours.
Before setting foot on the territory of the Paanajarvi National Park, we will go to the visitor center to register. Here, in the visitor center, there is also a museum, which we will definitely look into.
Wildlife is represented in all its glory in the Paanajarvi National Park: high mountains, clear rivers and deep lakes, as well as rare species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.
It is for these reasons that the park itself is divided into several zones: there is no access to two of them, but the third — recreational — is organized for tourists.
However, there are also strict rules related to everyday life that must be followed.
All this is done in order to protect and preserve Red Book plants and animals and natural landscapes.
We continue our journey, we go to the shore of Lake Paanajarvi on the territory of the national park itself.
The entire national park was named after this lake.
We are staying in a tent camp in a specially equipped parking lot.
We've had enough moving for today, we're settling in, cooking dinner and relaxing after a busy day of moving.