Arrival in the city of Kislovodsk.
Check-in at the hotel (check-in from 14:00), things can be left in the luggage room at the hotel.
We recommend having lunch in advance, as there will be no such opportunity during the tour.
Guided tour of Kislovodsk with a visit to the Castle of Treachery and Love (the tour starts from 13:45-14:15).
The tour of Kislovodsk begins with an inspection of the Lermontov rock.
Then departure to the Kislovodsk fortress, which gave rise to the resort town in the early years of the 19th century.
The next place to visit on a tour of Kislovodsk is St. Nicholas Cathedral— the main church of Kislovodsk of the 19th century in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Then the sightseeing tour continues through the city surroundings.
Every traveler aspires to visit the source of Narzan and visit the rock "Castle", called the Castle of Cunning and Love.
It is located in a deep stone hollow, which is characterized by the scenic beauty of the surrounding landscape.
Then the tourists will be taken to the observation deck, which offers a wonderful panoramic view of the entire city.
At the end of the tour, guests will see the famous Cascade Staircase and Red Stones.
Return\accommodation at the hotel in Kislovodsk.
Free time.
During the tour, an additional there are no expenses, only on request for souvenirs.