A scheduled passenger ship.
In addition to tourists, there are also ordinary passengers on the ship. There are no entertainment facilities other than those provided by the program (there is no swimming pool, sauna, cinema, etc.).
Meals on the ship, as well as on the entire route, are complex (portioned), ordered and paid in advance.
Stops according to the ship's schedule, but in case of a delay of the ship or vice versa, if the ship goes faster than the schedule, then parking can be reduced or increased.
The three-deck motor ship 588 of the project. It was built in Germany in 1954, entered the Yenisei in the same year, and has been operating on the Krasnoyarsk-Dudinka, Norilsk-Dudinka-Krasnoyarsk line since 1954. The speed is 23 km/h, the passenger capacity is 250 people.
The cabins on the ship, with the exception of luxury cabins, are without amenities – only a small closet, a bed, in some cabins there is a sink with hot and cold water, a shower and a toilet are on deck. To charge electrical appliances, it is advisable to have your own extension cord with sockets.
Three meals a day are served in 2 restaurants: on the main and upper decks. There is also a bar on the ship, the menu of which includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.
You can spend time with family and friends not only on the deck, but also in the salons on the middle deck: in the reading and music rooms. There is no entertainment program on board.